Springtime is in the air here in North Carolina. Randy and I decided we would take the girls to some local gardens and take a few photos. Of our 4 daughters, we only had 2 takers, but we headed out anyway. I have to say, the colors of the flowers were in full burst! There were some areas of these fragrant gardens that were breathtaking, especially in the sunset. How splendid of our God to give us such colors and scents and seasons. Can you just imagine the colors and fragrances and gardens of Heaven!?!
Off to Honduras! 🇭🇳
5 years ago
Glad the 2 youngest can still be talked into photo ops--all the pics are beautiful!! Kate looks so cute with her hair up or down, but hair hair down with the flowers really is striking (esp in the black & white). My favorites are the 2 last ones though--2 sisters, 1 looking up, the other glancing down, contemplating the day or spring or each other or whatever framed by flowers. Hope you 3 had a great time (& the eldest had fun even though they would have taken beautiful photos ;-)
Hey, I'm 1st!! :-) (never been 1st before; clearly viewing the web too late, oh well, nice scenes to have in mind for pleasant dreams!
These pictures of the girls are breathtaking!! I feel like such a ditz, did I spell ditz right?, with my camera. I simply must learn how to take pictures as incredible as these!
Blessings :)
Stunning! I agree with Anne, the last 2 are my faves!!!
See. You got way more than 2 good shots out of the 400 you took!:)
Nice layering! ha!
Lisa...the shots are beautiful..so dreamy. They hint at something that makes you want to know what was going on that day in the garden. Can't decide which one I like the best...
Found it (your blog) Sent you an email. Hope we can meet up one of these days...testing at home this month and IOWA next month and then life will get slower :)
I like the second one from the top - though my favorite is the b&w of Olivia in your Easter post. Can't wait to get home!
Your girls are just gorgeous!!! Can you stop by my house and take some pics of my kiddos?
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet words of encouragement. I can't wait to read past posts of your journey to bring your adopted girls home.
Yes, we were caught in the mess of Guat. adoption. It wasn't the government's fault. Our "Christian" orphanage deliberately delayed filing our dossier (and 28 others) causing us to miss a critical deadline. We had to start over from scratch Jan. 2009 as a transition case under a new process. That's why it took two and a half years to get our son home. But it is so worth it. He's such a treasure.
We're feeling led to adopt special needs from China next so I look forward to getting to know your sweet family better through your blog.
Thanks again for taking the time to "introduce" yourself!
Oh goodness...what a lovely thought to ponder of what Heaven will be like... "I can only imagine"!!
Your girls are SO lovely! You take such stunningly beautiful photos! There is something so comforting about the newness of spring... and this year it holds even more meaning to our family with Khloe coming home. Thank you for your nice comment. I always enjoy hearing from you!!
Love and Hugs,
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