
Friday, June 12, 2009

Sisters and Friends

I have a new header picture compliments of a woman i met who, as a photographer by trade, was giving a deal to families in an attempt to raise money for a missions trip. Her goal was to raise the money to travel to Greece and photograph the missionaries there and what they do, as well as photograph thier families for them. So, at the last minute , i grabbed my little two and searched their closet for similar clothes. Dressed them and threw them in the car and drove to some beautiful gardens in Raleigh where i met Kimberly. I instantly liked her and, as the sesson when on , she expressed interest in adoption. Perfect!!! One of my favorite subjects! Anyway, received a CD a few days later in the mail and this picture of Kate and Olivia was on it. She really captured these two little girls. And, as we all know, we can never have enough pictures of our kids:)


Adeye said...

That header is stunning, friend!!!! How absolutely beautiful.

I agree--you can NEVER have too many pics. Ever!

Have a very blessed day in the Lord.

jody said...

Love the photo. I never did get a chance to call her, maybe next time...We are heading down to the beach for a couple of days but I will see you on Monday! jody

tcup235 said...

Love the photo Lis! Reminds me of the prof photos of H & L when they were close to Kate & Olivia's ages now (L sitting down with her back to her sis is still one of my favorite "sister" photos, though I admit the smiles from Olivia & Kate are prettier!).

Agreed--can't really have too many pics (though as I'm still attempting to sort through the hundreds my sister-in-law & I took of her 3 at the beach the last week of May, I've questioned how many might actually be TOO many a few times :-)