Hello Again! Does anyone still check my blog for new posts?
Our family has just returned from the coast. It was a fun and fast week. I really didn't want to come back to be honest. School starts in a week and I don't feel ready or able. How can summer almost be over???? Wasn't it just May 31st? OK, enough whining.
The beach was beautiful as always. A thousand little creatures to observe and waves to ride. We witnessed 3 weddings, believe it or not, as well as two men hopping up from their towels and calling their family members in from the surf (because they thought they saw fins).Did I mention that it was Shark Week on the Discovery Channel while we were there? (I think everyone was a bit jumpy.) I knew we had seen too much of it when Kate declared to me that the tide pool had a shark in it.
Anyway, we had the chance to take lots of photos which is so much fun. Friends asked us to photograph their family in the dunes and we loved the challenge and learning opportunity. Hopefully and prayerfully we got some shots that they will love. And now for a few of my favorites from the week...
Off to Honduras! 🇭🇳
5 years ago